Job Search
Looking for a job? Gain access to hundreds of employers with jobs and internships through Handshake. WVSU has partnered with Handshake (a career development platform) to serve as your one-stop-shop for launching your career. You’ll use Handshake to discover employers and opportunities, submit applications, and attend career fairs and other events. One of the new features enables you to access personalized job recommendations based on your major and interests. Whether you’re looking for an internship, a full-time job or don’t know where to begin, Handshake is here to help. Click here to log in, all you need is your WVSU email and you will be directed to create a password. Your account has already been set up.
College to Career Program
The Yellow Jacket College to Career Program will provide you with skills and preparation to succeed in finding your passion and in developing a road map for future career success.
Choosing and Changing Your Major Learn about your personality and other factors that will help you stay on the right track to graduation.
My Major & Career Options Explore the career possibilities and develop a road map for success.
Career Exploration Experience Participate in a 2-hour Company site visit by shadowing a Company employee.
Dress for Success Fashion Show Come join us for mocktails, food and fun and check out our EMSA staff and student models on the do’s and don’ts of professional dress.
Career Readiness Skills Learn what they are and develop an action plan on how to acquire these skills.
Exploring Graduate School Learn what factors to consider and how to navigate the overview of application process.
Writing a CV (or Curriculum Vitae) Learn the basics of writing an effective CV.
Writing a Personal Statement Learn the tips and strategies for formatting and content creation for an effective statement.
Establish Your E-Brand Learn to manage the information that appears in the search engines, create appropriate social networking profiles and effectively use electronic technologies.
Networking Learn how to network effectively to advance your professional and personal life.
Writing a Federal Resume Learn how to showcase your past career positions and skills to apply for a position with the Federal Government.
Get LinkedIn! Learn how to create a strong professional social media presence.
Resume Building Session Learn how to showcase your past responsibilities, accomplishments, qualifications, strengths and skills to land an interview.
Writing a Cover Letter Learn what to include that will showcase your personality and fit for the specific career opportunity.
Ace the Interview Come join us to learn about tips and tricks on interviewing.
Student Professional Day “Jeans to Suits” Learn from the business professionals regarding job search skills.
From Student to Employee Transitioning into a career position can be challenging. Learn to better understand employer expectations, develop a workplace persona and drive one’s career.
*Check e-mail for announcements of dates and times
Student Resources
Thurgood Marshall College Fund
Office of Career Services staff assist with your job search skills including resume development, interviewing skills and job search strategies.
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