Grant Alderman

Grant Alderman

Meet Grant Alderman, a sophomore criminal justice and law enforcement major from Charleston, West Virginia who also plays golf for WVSU. Here’s a little bit more about him.

Why did you choose your major? “I had a law enforcement class all four years in high school and really enjoyed it and thought I could make a career out of it.”

Career goals for the future: “I’m interested in becoming a postal investigator, but I’m also currently in real estate school so we’ll see.”

Why did you choose WVSU? “It’s close to home. I didn’t want to go to a big university. I wanted more of a close-knit community.”

Favorite class you’ve taken at WVSU? “Definitely forensic science. It was a lot of fun.”

Favorite movie: “Happy Gilmore”

Best part of WVSU: “The student body. Everybody knows everybody and you build relationships with friends and teammates and just get to meet everyone.”

If someone visited Charleston, what local places would you suggest they visit? “Go to the Capitol and visit downtown Charleston maybe on the weekend so you can go to Live on the Levee or the Regatta or something going on.”

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