Description Of Services
The Department of AgRE Communications provides video production and editing services such as promotional materials for your programs, how-to videos and instructional content.
Video production and editing are available on a request basis. If you have an idea for a video project, please consult with your program director or department head first to ensure it aligns with program priorities and goals. Staff members should then fill out the online Video Request Form, and a team member will follow up to discuss the project.
Planning, shooting, editing and revising a video project will likely take at least a few days. We also encourage and provide closed-captioning, transcription and audio description for all video content produced. Project timelines will be discussed and developed in conjunction with the needs of the requesting staff person.
Submit a Video Request
Frequently Asked Questions
Does filling out the request form guarantee that my video will be produced?
No — submitting a request form guarantees that the Digital Production Specialist will consult with the requestor to discuss the project. Reasons for which the department may not take on a video request include:
- The department’s video workload will not allow for time to meet the needed deadline
- The request lacks a well-defined need
- Another format for information delivery is more appropriate for the request
Can staff members record their videos?
Yes — staff members may shoot content to replace in-person program delivery. Content that will be used for overall program marketing is a feature story about your work or will be part of our “how-to” video library. These projects require more elaborate production and should be submitted through a Video Request Form.
Does the Department of AgRE Communications offer assistance with videos shot by staff?
Yes — if staff members would like some basic editing, branding, clean-up or music inserted into a video before its release, please complete the Video Request Form and label the submission appropriately.
What about the federal compliance requirement of closed-captioning video content?
The Department of AgRE Communications cooperates with various professional service companies that handle all aspects of captioning, transcribing and adding audio descriptions to video content. While the department maintains a budget that allows for the captioning of video content, large-scale caption, transcription or audio description needs (like long-form program delivery videos) may need to be paid for by the requesting department; this can be handled on a per-case basis.
How long can a video be captioned and returned for posting?
Our service is fast and efficient. Shorter videos are returned in 24 hours or less, and captions are 99% accurate. For example, a recent two-minute video was sent out and returned (error-free) in about four hours. Long videos may take up to multiple days.