Extension Collaborative on Immunization TeacDon't Wait, Vaccinate wordmark with WVU Extension logo, Excite logo, and WVSU Extension Service logo.hing & Engagement 

What is EXCITE?
Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE) is a USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded program that addresses health disparities among rural and other underserved communities. The purpose of this program is to educate and encourage adult immunization. As a trusted leader in the community, the Extension network was selected as a partner by the CDC to help spur community action.

Who is involved?
West Virginia State University Extension Service and West Virginia University Extension have collaborated to strengthen the Mountain State’s adult immunization education, specifically focusing on COVID-19 and other adult vaccination hesitancy.

How to participate
Kanawha and Clay Counties: Contact Bonnie Dunn via email or call (304) 204-4007.
For McDowell and Mercer Counties: Contact Stephanie Lusk via email or

call (681) 250-2825 ext. 3002.

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