Return to Learn

Return to Learn

Kellie Toledo
(304) 766-3262

Register for Return to Learn The Return to Learn program at West Virginia State University (WVSU) is designed for a previous WVSU student to explore opportunities to return and complete their degree.  Click here to register for Return to Learn!

After registering for Return to Learn participants will be contacted about next steps to be readmitted to the University.
During the event students will have the opportunity to:

  • apply for financial aid,
  • register for classes,
  • learn about campus support services, and
  • obtain information regarding balancing life, work and college

WVSU will have representatives available from the Cashier’s Office, Admission’s, Student Financial Assistance, Registration & Records, and Academic Affairs.
Students can complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in advance of attending or during Return to Learn.  Common items needed when filling out the FAFSA include:
For students to be deemed Independent by FAFSA one of the following criteria must be met: 

  • Born before January 1, 1994
  • Married as of today
  • At the beginning of 2017-2018 school year will be working on Master’s degree
  • Currently active U.S. armed forces or are a retired veteran of U. S. armed forces
  • Have children whom they support more than 50%
  • Have other dependents that they support more than 50%
  • At any time since you turned 13 both parents were deceased,
  • At any time after July 1, 2016 are unaccompanied youth from high school, were in a homeless center or transitional living program

Items needed by students to be deemed Independent by FAFSA would be:

  • Student Social Security Card
  • Student tax returns or W2s for tax year 2015

For students deemed Dependent by FAFSA items needed would be:

  • Parent and Students Social Security Card
  • Parent and Student tax returns or W2s for tax year 2015
  • If parents were ever married, know month and year they were married, remarried, separated, divorced or widowed
  • Parent and Student FSA ID usernames or verified email addresses

If parents of Dependent students are not present it would be recommended they could be reached by phone to answer any questions.
Please contact Kellie Toledo at or (304) 766-3262, if you have any questions.
We look forward to helping you begin the path to a brighter future!

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