WVSU Dean Appointed to Group Reviewing Public School System Standards

January 16, 2013

Contact: Dr. Donna M. Simon (304) 766-3363 dsimon@wvstateu.edu

INSTITUTE, W.Va. — Dr. Robert L. Harrison Jr., dean of the College of Professional Studies at West Virginia State University (WVSU), has been appointed to the West Virginia Office of Performance Audits Accountability/Accreditation Stakeholder Group.
He is one of only two representatives of the state’s higher education institutions appointed to the group. The other comes from West Virginia University.
“In the College of Professional Studies at West Virginia State, we place a strong emphasis on the importance of public service,” Harrison said. “Participation on this committee gives me the unique opportunity to demonstrate that we practice what we preach.”
The Accountability/Accreditation Stakeholder Group is charged by the West Virginia Board of Education and the state Legislature to develop new standards for West Virginia’s public school system. The group will make recommendations on new accountability standards and for a new accreditation model. These recommendations will be used by the State Board of Education in revising its policies and in working with the Legislature to modify state code.
In addition to representatives from higher education, the group consists of legislators, teachers, principals, central office staff and members of local School Improvement Councils.

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