WVSU Creators Program Announces Fall Calendar

August 20, 2015

Contact: Kimberly Osborne (304) 766-3363 kosborne@wvstateu.edu

INSTITUTE, W.Va.The fourth year of West Virginia State University’s (WVSU) Creators Program will begin with a Creators Screening and Panel at the WVSU Economic Development Center (EDC) Tuesday, Sept. 8, from 7:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.
The award-winning documentary series “Beneath the Kanawha Valley: Three Films Spanning 12,000 Years of West Virginia Archaeology” will be screened during the event. A panel discussion, featuring archaeologists Bob Maslowski and Mike Anslinger and producer/director Daniel Boyd, a WVSU communications professor and artist in residence at the EDC, will follow the screening.
Other workshops and talks scheduled for the fall include a Creators Talk entitled “Adapting History: Bringing West Virginia Stories to Stage and Screen” on Oct. 1. Emmy award-winning filmmaker Jacob Young will host a Creators Dialogue on Oct. 20. A Creators Workshop focusing on independent publishing with author Eric Douglas is scheduled for Nov. 10.
“The Creators Program talks and workshops cover all aspects of creating for mass media and art,” said Boyd. “The series provides education in shorter timeframes than a traditional classroom while utilizing the expertise of area professionals and WVSU’s Communications and Media Studies department.”
The Creators Program launched, in 2012, as a series of community workshops for all levels focusing on skills and knowledge essential to creating for mass media and art. WVSU partners with the West Virginia Economic Development Council, the West Virginia Film Office and WVSU Cultural Activities on the series.
Space is limited for the events, and registration is required. To register, visit wvsuedc.org and click on “The Creators Program” link. All events in the fall schedule are free.
The WVSU EDC is located at 1506 Kanawha Blvd. W. in Charleston.
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