West Virginia State University Prepares to Welcome Students Back to Campus

August 8, 2017

Contact: Jack Bailey (304) 766-4109 Jbaile19@wvstateu.edu

INSTITUTE, W.Va. – West Virginia State University (WVSU) is preparing to welcome the class of 2021 and all returning students to campus beginning this week and culminating with the annual State Stride on Thursday, Aug. 17.
Beginning Friday, Aug. 11, new students may begin moving into their residence halls on WVSU’s Institute campus. Returning students may begin moving into campus residence halls on Saturday, Aug. 12. Classes for the fall semester begin Monday, Aug. 14.
During the first week of classes a variety of welcoming activities will be hosted on campus, including the annual State Stride on Thursday, Aug. 17. Beginning at 12:20 p.m. in the P. Ahmed Williams Auditorium in Ferrell Hall WVSU President Anthony L. Jenkins will welcome new and transfer students to campus.
“The start of each academic year is an exciting time, but it is particularly exciting for our first-time freshmen students who are starting their journey toward a better life through pursuing a college education,” Jenkins said. “At West Virginia State University, we mark the start of each year with State Stride, its purpose is to officially welcome and connect our newest students to what it truly means to be part of the Yellow Jacket Nation.”
Following his remarks, Jenkins, joined by the Yellow Jacket Marching Band, will lead freshman and transfer students from Ferrell Hall to the Student Plaza outside the University Union, as faculty, staff and returning students wearing black and gold cheer and provide a West Virginia State welcome to the newest Yellow Jackets.
Upon arriving at the plaza, all students, faculty and staff will be treated to free food, music and prize drawings. There will also be a student organizational showcase on the plaza with representatives of campus groups present to share information about how students can get involved in a variety of campus activities.
The final day to register for classes for the fall semester without incurring a late registration fee is Friday, Aug. 11. Late registration is available through Tuesday, Aug. 15. For more information, contact the WVSU Admissions Office at (304) 204-4345.
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