Seminar at West Virginia State University Explores Roles of County Officials

March 8, 2016

Contact: Kimberly Osborne (304) 766-3363

INSTITUTE, W.Va. – West Virginia State University (WVSU) will host an educational seminar Thursday, March 10, at 5 p.m. in the Erickson Alumni Center on the topic of “County Government Made Easy.”
The seminar is designed for Kanawha County teachers, student-teachers and WVSU students, but is open to anyone with an interest in learning more about the topic.
The WVSU C.R. Byrd Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) in conjunction with students from the University’s education department and officials with the West Virginia Association of Counties (WVACO) will be on hand to unveil a new website designed for third and fifth grade civics classes and eighth grade social studies classes on the roles of county officials.
The new website will feature lesson plans for teachers as well as age level games and videos of county officials explaining their roles and duties.
In addition, WVSU Associate Professor Dr. Daton Dean will deliver the keynote address on the topic of “Teaching Beyond the Books.”
Thursday’s seminar and the launch of the new website are part of an ongoing partnership launched last year between the WVSU C.R. Byrd Chapter of PRSSA and WVACO to educate students about government at the county level.
The ongoing partnership is intended to increase the awareness of the WVACO mission, which is to achieve unity of purpose among elected county officials in order to promote the professionalism, innovation, and preservation of county government for the benefit of the citizens they serve to create a better West Virginia. For more information, visit .
Parking for Thursday’s seminar is available in Lot J, adjacent to the Erickson Alumni Center.
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