Nuclear radiation the topic of WVSU research symposium

April 19, 2013

Contact: Dr. Donna Simon (304) 766-3363 INSTITUTE, W.VaThe effect of nuclear radiation is the topic of the 19 annual Research Symposium and spring convocation of West Virginia State University’s College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics April 26 at 9 a.m. in the Ferrell Hall Auditorium on campus.
Dr. John Auxier, one of the world’s top environmental and health physicists, will discuss the effects of radiation on humans and their environment.
Auxier has worked to determine the levels of radiation doses for survivors of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan and Three Mile Island.
“The symposium allows students and faculty the opportunity to present their research to the scientific community, as well as their friends, family and the public at large,” said Dr. Michael Fultz, assistant professor of Chemistry.
Following Auxier’s presentation, students and faculty will present their research work in the Hamblin Hall Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.

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