Stinger HPC Cluster – IT

Through funding from the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR – Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-2), channeled through the Higher Education Policy Commission’s Division of Science and Research, the WVSU campus is home to a high-performance computing (HPC) system with enough processing speed to equal 120 standard desktop computers. 

The system was nicknamed Stinger after the WVSU mascot. 

The HPC system is part of the Computational Science Center located in the Drain-Jordan Library, which also features a visualization tile display (viz-wall) of nine 52” high-resolution monitors, as well as classroom seating and conference space.  

According to Dr. Jose Ulises Toledo, Associate Dean of WVSU’s Gus R. Douglass Land-Grant Institute. “This system  increases the speed performance at which our research faculty, students and staff can process data. What could take two or three days to process with standard processors, this system can handle in a matter of minutes.” 

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