Outstanding Student Requirements

The process of acquiring and securing proper payment of Federal Financial Aid may have multiple student requirements.

Students are encouraged to check their MYSTATE and WVSU email regularly to view any notifications of additional requirements from the Office of Student Financial Aid. No funds can pay until all paperwork is processed and all outstanding requirements are satisfied.

Listed below are some possible requirements students may encounter and information to resolve them:

Federal Verification Process– Verification is the process of confirming the information you and/or your parents reported on the FAFSA. Students who are selected for verification may have to submit the following:

  • Verification Worksheet ( V1 Dependent, V1 Independent, V4, V5 Dependent, or V5 Independent)
  • 2018 Tax Information (IRS Tax Return Transcript or signed 1040 forms and all applicable schedules)

Tax Return Transcripts may be requested at IRS.gov. Verification worksheets are available under the 2020-2021 Forms tab. 

Loan Aggregate – The Department of Education indicates that the student is near or has reached their aggregate maximum loan limits. Undergraduate students may borrow no more than $57,500 in student loans, only $23,000 can be in the form of subsidized loans. Graduate students may borrow up to $138,000, including undergraduate loan usage. We need confirmation from the Department of Education that your loan limits have not been exceeded. You must provide our office with a detailed listing of each loan borrowed as well as any interest that may have accrued on each loan. To access the required documentation, log into studentaid.gov with your FSA ID. Choose the option to manage loans. The Aid summary will then be available to print.

Pell Lifetime Eligibility Usage – The Department of Education indicates that the student is near or has reached their Pell Lifetime Eligibility. Please submit a copy of the Grant Aid Summary. To access the required documentation, log into studentaid.gov with your FSA ID. Choose the option to manage loans. The Grant Aid summary will then be available to print on the second tab.

Transcript Evaluation-  The Office of Student Financial Aid will request a transcript evaluation for all transfer students. A transcript evaluation is requested by a financial aid counselor from the Office of Registration and Records. A transcript evaluation cannot be completed until all final official college transcripts have been recieved by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Open and Submit Electronic Award- An electronic Award Package will become available to submit only after pending requirements are satisfied. If no award is available, ensure all other requirements have been satisfied. If award is present see Accepting Awards Instructions. 

Parent PLUS Request and Master Promissory Note-  If a Parent PLUS Loan is accepted by a student, the parent of that student must complete a PLUS Request Process at studentaid.gov. Instructions to complete this process can be found at the following link Direct PLUS Loan RequestIf the PLUS Loan is approved the parent must sign the Master Promissory Note at studentaid.gov.
PLUS Denial Process: If the Parent Loan is denied, students may request additional unsubsidized loan funds by completing the Unsub Request Form and submitting it to the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Student Federal Direct Loan Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note- If a student accepts a Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan is accepted by a student for the first time at WVSU, the student is required to Complete Loan Entrance Counseling and Sign a Master Promissory Note at studentaid.gov.

Any questions concerning the above listed or any other outstanding student requirements should be directed to the Office of Student Financial Aid in Ferrell Hall room 125 or (304) 204-4369.

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