FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy ACT), also known as the Buckley Amendment, was passed
by Congress in 1974.

It grants four specific rights to a postsecondary student:
To see the information that the institution is keeping on the student.
To seek amendment to those records and in certain cases append a statement to the record.
To consent to the disclosure of his/her records.
To file a complaint with the FERPA Office in Washington DC.
FERPA applies to all educational agencies or institutions that receive funds under any program
administrated by the Secretary of Education.

FERPA ensures the privacy of student records (other than directory information). Student records
including information about registration, grades, financial aid, and billing are considered confidential
and may not be released without written consent from the student.

If you wish to allow anyone other than you (the student) to access this information you must file a
FERPA Release Form.

FERPA Release Forms expire at the end of each academic year (June 30th). A student must resubmit a
new FERPA Release Form each academic year. A student may also rescind a FERPA Release Form at any
time during the academic year.

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