WVSU employees are not exempt from being a victim or accused of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment or sexual discrimination. In these instances, you should be equipped with the same level of on-campus support as a student.
How can WVSU help?
Victim Services are both for students and employees.
Advocates who can meet a victim at the hospital or other health care provider:
Contact Information: REACH Advocate
The Counseling Connection
1021 Quarrier Street, Suite 414
Charleston, WV, 25301
304-340-3676; www.tccwv.org
24-Hour Number: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Hours of Operation
Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM.
Contact the Coordinator:
217 Ferrell Hall;
Non-Work Hour Access
For Title IX emergencies occurring after business hours, on weekends, or during school closures access the following resources for assistance:
- Title IX emergency phone: 304-533-5392
- Public Safety: 304-766-3181
- 911