Get Help — Complainant /Respondents

If you have been accused of sexual misconduct, this may be a confusing and overwhelming time. The investigation process can be stressful. Therefore, WVSU provides a number of support resources that can help you understand the investigation process and provide support. If WVSU conducts an investigation, you will have the opportunity to provide your full story to the investigators as well as any documentation you feel is relevant to the matter. Also, it is important for you to keep in mind that any act of retaliation against any person for making a report or participating in an investigation is strictly prohibited.

  • Confidential Resources – There are numerous services at WVSU which CAN NOT report your communications or treatment to other parties… such as the Counseling and Accessibility (CAS) office.  The only time these offices can share information about you is (1) when you waiver the confidentiality, (2) someone’s safety is at issue or (3) when required to do so by a valid court order.  These are referred to as confidential resources. 


Contact Information: (304) 766-3262; 125 Sullivan Hall, East
Contact Information: (304) 766-3224; 129 Sullivan Hall, East
Contact Information: REACH Advocate, The Counseling Connection
1021 Quarrier Street, Suite 414
Charleston, WV 25301
24-Hour Number: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

  • Non-Confidential Resources – There are resources and individuals at WVSU that are also helpful but who have the duty to report to the university when they become aware that students have been the victim of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment or sexual discrimination.  Even though these individuals and resources have a duty to report it does not mean that they are still not mindful of your privacy.  In these situations, privacy means that the information related to a report of these types of incidents will only be shared with the limited amount of university employees that are needed to support both the complainant and the respondent.  These are called Non-Confidential resources.  Examples of non-confidential resources or individuals at include the WVSU Public Safety, Professors, WVSU Staff, Resident Assistants, Housing Staff and Title IX Personnel.

Professors, WVSU Staff, Resident Assistants and Housing Staff
After being accused of an incident of sexual assault, relationship violence or stalking, some students choose to go straight to their professors to ask for more time to complete assignments.  Some student may ask their Resident Assistant or another member of WVSU staff for help.  This approach to seeking help is a valid and often used process.  WVSU wants all students to be aware that all WVSU employees that do not fall under the category of being “confidential employees” are “responsible employees” with the duty to report when they have knowledge that a student may be involved in an act of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment or sexual discrimination.

Title IX Personnel
While handling a report on a Title IX issue, Title IX personnel will make all efforts to protect both the respondent and complainant’s privacy and follow the wishes of both parties as to whether an investigation will go forward or what types of remedial measures will be offered.  However, if asked to proceed with a Title IX investigation or to assist in obtaining remedial measures for a complainant, Title IX personnel must have some contact with other individuals regarding the matter.

Office of Civil Rights and Title IX

Hours of Operation
Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM.

Contact the Coordinator: 
217 Ferrell Hall;;

Non-Work Hour Access
For Title IX emergencies occurring after business hours, on weekends, or during school closures access the following resources for assistance:

  • Title IX emergency phone: 304-533-5392 
  • Public Safety: 304-766-3181 
  • 911

Sexual Assault and Response Team (SART)

(304) 340-3676

WVSU Public Safety
(304) 766-3181 (24-hour number) 

Counseling and Accessibility Services (Confidential)
(304) 766-3168

Title IX Office
(304) 533-5392
(24-hour number)

Rape Education, Advocacy, Counseling and Healing (REACH) (Confidential)
1-800-656-HOPE (4673) (24-hour number)

YWCA Resolve Family Abuse Program (Confidential)
24-hour Domestic Violence Crisis Lines:
Charleston calling area: (304) 340-3549
Toll-free: 1-800-681-8663

CAMC Women’s and Children’s Hospital (Confidential)
(304) 388-2550