Social Media

Description of Services: WVSU supports the official use of social media to reach audiences important to the institution, such as current and potential students, employees, customers, visitors, funders or other stakeholders. Social media include but are not limited to blogs, podcasts, discussion forums, online collaborative information and publishing systems that are accessible to internal and external audiences. Examples include Wikis, RSS feeds, video sharing and social networks like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. University presence or participation on social media sites includes: 1) Media sites established by the University on University-owned domains; 2) Accounts on external sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., on behalf of the University; and 3) Personal accounts on external sites that are approved for use or participation by University employees as part of their job duties. While the Office of Communications and Marketing manages the University’s official social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and Flickr), faculty and staff members are welcome to create and manage WVSU-related accounts with support from our office if it is needed.

Timeline: Faculty and staff members interested in establishing a departmental social media presence should review the University’s social media guidelines and best practices to determine if a social media presence is applicable. If so, a representative from the office will respond to project requests within two business days of submission. Creation and ongoing management of the account is up to the requesting office.

Planning Your Project: Social media can be a valuable tool for audience reach and engagement, but it isn’t right for every department, office, or project. To determine if your project idea merits establishment of an account, please review the WVSU Social Media Guidelines & Procedures before submitting a social media project request.


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