It is the mission of the institutional research (IR) function to collect, analyze, appraise, report and disseminate data on behalf of the University, its executive administration, and its educational leaders to promote evidence-based reflection, planning, and action. IR provides information and conducts research studies to comply with federal, state, and other reporting mandates, and to assess policy, programs, and special initiatives. IR researches specific issues facing the institution with the sole purpose of finding solutions to challenges the institution might encounter in the future. At other times, research may be conducted to find a solution to an existing problem or add a new program to the curriculum of the institution. IR also provides support for the facilitation of research activity conducted within the university.
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- Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Effectiveness
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- Agricultural Research & Extension
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- Agricultural and Environmental Research Station
- Aquaculture
- Bioenergy and Environmental Biotechnology
- Environmental Microbiology & Biotechnology
- Horticultural Crops & Production Systems
- Urban Forestry & Natural Resource Management
- Vegetable Genomics & Plant Breeding
- Food Science
- Energy and Environmental Science Institute
- Ag Research & Extension Submenu
- Athletics