Assessment, Evaluation, and Planning

Assessment is simply the tool used to determine the degree of institutional effectiveness. You must assess in order to demonstrate effectiveness. Assessment attempts to answer the following question; Are your efforts bringing forth the desired results? An effective assessment program can be used to improve student learning, facilitate academic and institutional improvements, and validate institutional effectiveness. The evaluation drives planning and budgetary priorities. Most importantly, a successful assessment program must have dedication from faculty, staff, and administration.

Assessment is a tool to be used for institutional improvement and improvement in student learning. In addition, assessment is a formal process that allows us to document continuous improvements and to be accountable to university stakeholders for sustainability, competetiveness and relevance.  

  • Institutional planning and assessment are focused on continuous improvement of student learning outcomes and the administrative and educational services that support student success.
  • WVSU engages in a multi-faceted planning and evaluation process to determine the appropriateness of the mission and the extent to which the mission is accomplished. 
  • Evaluation and Planning consist of the strategic planning process and operational planning and analysis.


The program to assess student learning is an integral part of the university’s commitment to excellent teaching, effective learning. and a quality student experience.  Information is systematically collected and examined both to document and demonstrate cycles of improvement. The assessment program itself is routinely updated, and the information gained from the assessment process becomes part of on-going curricular and co-curricular model for effectiveness.

The institutional mission, vision  and core values drive the strategic plan objectives and goals for oversight and guidance to the colleges and support units of WVSU.

  • Mission statements for various departments are reviewed to determine congruency with the institutional mission and objectives.
  • Objectives are developed to determine expected outcomes for the programs and services provided. 
  • Assessment and reporting of results are accomplished through the use of the assessment plans.

Evaluation and Planning

Ongoing evaluation is conducted at the school and individual program/unit levels, and is documented in annual reports in which unit-level goals and outcomes are explicitly aligned with the mission, goals, and strategies of the WVSU Strategic Plan. This process allows for broad-based and systematic review of institutional goals and outcomes, informs continuing improvement processes, and results in effective accomplishment of the institutional mission. The evaluation of outcomes serves as the baseline for planning and strategic priority alignment and bugetary focus.