In accordance with law WV State University has published the Annual FERPA Notice statement,


Know your options … and the differences.
Be informed of your rights and understand what it all means 

What is FEPRA? 

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) also known as the Buckley Amendment, was passed by Congress in 1974. 

  •  Establishes certain rights for students regarding the privacy of their educational record. While parents, guardians, spouses and others may have an interest in the student’s record, access to, or release of the educational record, is only by written student consent. 
  • FERPA ensures the privacy of student records other than directory information.
  • FERPA does allow colleges and universities to release directory information about a student
  • This act grants four specific rights to the postsecondary student.
    • To see information, the institution keeps on the student;
    • To seek ammendment to those records and in certain cases append a statemnt to the record; 
    • To consent to disclosure of Records 
    • To file a complaint with the FERPA Office in Washington D.C. (see details below) 

Directory (Public) Information

Released to those requesting it unless the student specifically requests otherwise. 
A student may request withholding all but not separate segments, of this list.

  • Student name, campus address, and campus phone 
  • Permanent address, phone, and email 
  • Parents’ names, hometown, and high school 
  • Dates of attendance, full/part-time status 
  • Honors, awards, special recognition, major, and degree(s) received 
  • Classification (e.g., freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior) 
  • Activities, photographs, and sports participation including height and weight of team members


If you have Questions or FERPA issues you can reach out to the Office of the Registrar
(or the University Registrar) 

Complaints concerning failures by WV State University to comply with FERPA may be mailed to the U.S. Deptartment of Education at: 

  Family Policy Compliance Office
US Department of Education 
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, D.C 20202-4605


Directory Information

Under the terms of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), West Virginia State University (WVSU) has established the following as directory information.

“Directory information is… information contained in an educational record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.” (FERPA Regulations, 34CFR, Part 993.)

If you do not wish this information be released for any reasons,  you may request nondisclosure of directory information to result in a “hold” of information, marking all records confidential.

  • To complete this request click the Directory Information Form link below.
    • This form also serves to remove any previous information hold requests. 

Be mindful and consider a few examples of what this hold entails;
(This restriction includes but is not limited to)

  • The University will not display your name, address, and e-mail address in our directory accessible by other Campus community members, faculty, staff etc.
  • We will not release information verifying your attendance, withdrawal, or graduation from the University (including Enrollment or Degree Verification requests.)
  • Your name and information will not be printed in Deans’ lists acknowledgments or Graduation/Commencement related announcements/acknowledgements, (i.e. programs/ website listings.)
    • This also means your name will not be called on stage at the graduation ceremony. 

FERPA Release Form Information 

The FERPA Release Form allows specific persons (e.g., parents, guardians, spouse, etc.) access to the student’s educational records (e.g., academic, accounting, financial aid information, etc.) at the written request of the student. 

  • Student records may include but not be limited to; information about registration, grades, financial aid and billing are that considered confidential and may not be released without written consent of the student. 

Students seeking such release, must complete and submit a FERPA form naming such specific designated person(s), before any information can be released to the desired designated person(s). 

When completing the form, please understand there are different student record categories in which to choose. (All, Financial, Accessibility, Registration, Cancel Prior)

Please click the FERPA box below to complete the request, with your WVSU email


To complete the digital form requests, you must be signed into your WVSU email account at the top right of your internet browser in order to confirm identity.


Canceling/ Changing a Previous Submission

Students may cancel the release or withholding of information at any time by submitting another FERPA Release Form or Directroy Release form by  electing to remove prior requests. 

Alternative form submission option:
If you would rather bring in a printed copy of either form, you will need to click the print links for the corresponding form and submit the completed form to Office of the Registrar in 128 Ferrell Hall along with a copy of your photo ID.

  • Students may print a copy of the Directory Information Hold Form by clicking the print here
  • Students may print a copy of the FERPA Release Form by clicking the print here

* Any designated person(s) listed on the FERPA form, must also confirm Identity when contacting the institution before information will be released. 

 If you have any questions concerning this policy or these procedures, please contact the Office of the Registrar via email at Regsitration@wvstateu.edu, or by phone at (304) 766-4146. 
The office is located at 128 Ferrell Hall if you wish to appear in person and follow Covid-19 protocols.

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