General Education Curriculum

Take one course from each category

Tier I:

A. First Year Experience:

GED 101

B. Written Communication I and II

ENGL 101 Composition I
ENGL 101H Composition I (Honors)
ENGL 102 Composition II
ENGL 102H Composition II (Honors)

C. Oral Communication

COMM 100 Speech

D. Mathematics – Any MATH course specified by the student’s major program

E. Scientific Reasoning

BIOL 101Principles of Biology
BIOL 108Environmental Biology
BIOL 110Economic Biology
BIOL 120Fundamentals of Biology – Biology majors must take this course
CHEM 100Consumer Chemistry
PHYS 101Physical Science Survey I
PHYS 102Physical Science Survey II
PHYS 103Elements of Physical Sci
PHYS 106Intro to Physical Geology
PHYS 107Historical Geology
PHYS 110Weather and Climate
PHYS 111 Energy and the Environment
PHYS 120Astronomy
PHYS 121Astronomy lab

Tier II:

A. Arts

ART 101 Studio I – Introduction to Art
ART 101H Studio I – Introduction to Art (Honors)
COMM 170 Art of Theater

B. Humanities

ART 100 Art Appreciation
COMM 140 Film Appreciation
COMM 140H Film Appreciation (Honors)
ENGL 150 Introduction to Literature
ENGL 150H Introduction to Literature (Honors)
MUSC 104 American Music: A Panorama
MUSC 107 Music Appreciation

C. International Perspectives

Any Foreign Language
FREN 205 A View of Changing Culture
FREN 443 West African Culture
INTL 210 Introduction to International Perspectives
INTL 250 Diversity in Africana Studies
PHIL 308 World Religions
POSC 219 International Relations
POSC 415 Arab Middle East
EDUC 321 Teaching Writing in the Elementary School
COMM 466 International Cinema

D. History

HIST 201 World History
HIST 201H World History
HIST 202 World History
HIST 207 American History to 1865
HIST 208 American History from 1865
POSC 101 American National Government

E. Natural Science

BIOL 101Principles of Biology
BIOL 108Environmental Biology
BIOL 110Economic Biology
BIOL 120Fundamentals of Biology – Biology majors must take this course
CHEM 100Consumer Chemistry
PHYS 101Physical Science Survey I
PHYS 102Physical Science Survey II
PHYS 103Elements of Physical Sci
PHYS 106Intro to Physical Geology
PHYS 107Historical Geology4P:PHYS 106
PHYS 110Weather and Climate
PHYS 111 Energy and the Environment
PHYS 120Astronomy
PHYS 121Astronomy lab

F. Social Science

BA 210: Business Law
BA 312: Personal Finance
ECON 101: American Economy
POSC 100: Introduction to Government and Politics
POSC 101: American National Government
POSC 101H: American National Government (Honors)
PYSC 151: General Psychology
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology
SOC 305: Birth, Death, and Migration
EDUC 201: Human Growth and Development
EDUC 319: Content Area Literacy

G. Wellness

HHP 122: Fitness for Living
HHP 157: Healthy Living
HHP 157H: Healthy Living (Honors)
HHP 242: Team Sports II

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