Accreditation Liaison Officer

Dr. Scott Woodard, Associate Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is the Accreditation Liaison Officer for West Virginia State University. 

Each HLC-accredited and candidate institution is asked to identify an Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO). ALOs receive communications from HLC regarding policies, procedures and professional development opportunities, including the report of actions following each meeting of HLC’s Board of Trustees, communications about the Institutional Update and information about HLC’s annual conference.

While the chief executive officer continues to be the primary contact point between HLC and the institution regarding HLC policies, practices and other matters related to accreditation, HLC policy allows for the ALO to also be a contact point.

HLC has identified the following responsibilities for the ALO:

  1. Serving as a recipient of HLC communications regarding the institution’s accreditation, in addition to the Chief Executive Officer.
  2. Disseminating information and answering questions about HLC policies and procedures for all audiences within the institution.
  3. Staying current with HLC policies and procedures.
  4. Providing oversight and direction for the institution’s Data Update Coordinator to ensure the currency, accuracy and timeliness of information submitted to HLC as part of the Institutional Update.
  5. Providing oversight and direction for the timely submission of substantive change requests and reports required by HLC policy.
  6. Facilitating responses to HLC inquiries, including complaints referred by HLC staff to the Chief Executive Officer.
  7. Maintaining the institution’s file of official documents and reports related to the institution’s relationship with HLC.
  8. Providing comments to HLC as requested in its consideration of proposed policies, procedures and issues affecting the accreditation relationship.
  9. Ensuring that any changes in basic institutional information are reported to HLC.
  10. Ensuring that the institution meets its financial obligations to HLC through the timely payment of dues and fees.
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