Internship Courses

College of Arts and Humanities

Communications Field Experience – Comm 400 – (1-4 Credit Hours)

Placement of qualified B.S. degree students in radio, television, film, theatre, and related media agencies with the purpose of providing supervised work experience in the student’s chosen area, and a minimum of 200 hours with the approved agency for 4 credit hours. Students must complete internship application prior to registration. Prerequisite: Thirty credit hours of communication courses and permission of department chair. May be repeated up to 8 credits.

College of Business & Social Sciences

Business Internship Advanced – BA 466 (1-6 credit hours)

Placement of business students in various businesses and industries in the community for the purpose of gaining on-the-job training and experience. (Grades on Pass-Fail basis). This course fulfills this academic capstone requirement for Business Education majors. Prerequisite: Completion of minimum of 90 semester hours and the approval of the supervising instructor and department chair.

Senior Seminar/Internship – HIST 400 (3 credit hours)

This senior capstone course completes the requirements for graduation with a BA degree in history. All majors must satisfactorily pass the course, normally in the final semester. HIST 400 offers students two options: a major research project based upon primary sources, for students planning to enter graduate or professional school, or a public history internship/field study, for students preparing to enter the workforce. Prerequisites: Senior standing and permission of instructor.

Internship – POSC 497 (3-12 credit hours)

For political science majors and students in other majors who qualify to participate in one of the various internship opportunities offered through the university. It may be taken for a maximum of three credit hours, unless it is the Judith Hendon Fellowship for 12 credit hours or some comparably competitive and demanding fellowship for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Only six of earned internship credits can be applied towards upper-division requirements in political science. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.

College of Natural Science & Mathematics

Industry Internship in Biotechnology –  BT 598 – (1-3 credit hours)

Experience in the biotechnology industry through work at an industrial site or government agency. Arrangement determined by industry/government partner in conjunction with the student’s graduate committee. Prerequisite: Admission to graduate program; approval of graduate committee.

College of Professional Studies

Internship in Criminal Justice – CJ 413 – (3 credit hours)

This course will provide students the opportunity to go into the criminal justice field and observe the actual operation of the system. Students will be able to compare theory and concepts gained from courses to the actual criminal justice process they have experienced. Students may choose an internship in law enforcement, the courts, corrections, or juvenile justice. Prerequisite: 24 hours of CJ courses, senior standing, and minimum GPA of 2.5.
Faculty supervisor: Mr. Mark Addesa

Internship in Recreation and Leisure – HHP 407 – (6 credit hours)

The student will spend one semester working (400-480 hours) with the administrative staff of an existing recreation agency where he or she will assist and take part in planning staff meetings, budgets, in-service training, etc. Prerequisites: HHP 404 with a “C” or better. For Recreation majors only. 
Faculty supervisor: Ms. Pat King

Internship in Sports Studies – HHP 450 – (12 credit hours)

This course serves as a capstone opportunity for the senior level sports studies student to apply cognitive, psychomotor, and affective competencies learned throughout their studies within the Sports Studies Program. Each student will work and learn with an existing sports business, sports, education/instructional program or sports team in the surrounding community. (480 clock hours). Prerequisite: Student must have completed all course work with the designed Sports Studies Curriculum with grades of “C” or better in all courses. With special permission, the student may be taking no more than two courses to complete their degree while completing their internship. 
Faculty supervisor: Dr. Aaron Settle

Field Instruction – SWK 404 – (6 credit hours)

This course integrates classroom theory and practice by placing students for 240 hours in an approved social service agency where they provide direct social work services under the supervision of a qualified field instructor to individuals, families, and groups. Participation in a weekly seminar and concurrent enrollment in SWK 405 are required. Grading is Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: SWK 316


Advanced Field Instruction – SWK 406 – (6 credit hours)

Students enrolled in this course are placed in an approved social service agency for 240 hours under the supervision of a qualified field instructor. The student will have increased responsibility for providing services. Emphasis will be upon service activities such as policy making, program development, networking, public relations, research, and other indirect service provision. Participation in weekly seminar and concurrent enrollment in SWK 405 are required. Grading is Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: SWK 404. 

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