West Virginia State University Alma Mater

Written by Ernest Wade (Class of 1930) and Martha Spencer (Class of 1931)

There is a place we love so dear –
Its name we’ll ever praise and revere
Tis West Virginia State we love –
Just one more step from there is Heav’n above.

We’ll love her more as days go by,
And send her praises to the sky.
To place her over all the rest,
And keep her e’er the dearest and the best.

Shadowed ‘neath a deep blue sky –
Is State for whom we’ll live and we’ll die –
Arise! O men of God and sing, We’re loyal, and to her we’ll always cling.

West Virginia’s praise we’ll sing – Lift our voices ’til heavens ring – As we gaily march along – We’ll sing a song –
For Alma Mater
How we love her
Pride of all our loyal hearts – From her we will never part – Thoughts of thee will ne’er be few
Alma Mater we love you. 

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