Comprehensive Review and Team 2020
The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) provides three pathways or tracks through which its member institutions receive, reaffirm, and maintain accreditation: the Open Pathway, the Standard Pathway, and the AQIP Pathway. West Virginia State has been following the Standard Pathway.
What is Standard Pathway? The Standard Pathway is one of three options institutions have for maintaining accreditation with HLC. It follows a 10-year cycle and, is focused on quality assurance and institutional improvement. These improvement topics are integrated into comprehensive evaluations conducted during the cycle, as well as through interim monitoring, as required.
Procedures: The Standard Pathway’s 10-year cycle includes the following institutional reviews:
Regular Monitoring: Institutions submit an annual Institutional Update, which is reviewed by HLC to monitor organizational health, comply with certain federal requirements and identify any changes that may require HLC follow up. HLC will also apply change processes as appropriate to planned institutional developments, and will monitor institutions through reports, visits and other means as it deems appropriate.
Year 4: Comprehensive Evaluation: Institutions undergo a comprehensive evaluation to ensure they are meeting the Criteria for Accreditation, pursuing institutional improvement and complying with certain requirements set by the U.S. Department of Education. A Year 4 evaluation may include a determination that interim monitoring is necessary.
Year 10: Comprehensive Evaluation: The second comprehensive evaluation conducted in the Standard Pathway cycle follows the same process as the evaluation conducted in Year 4. The Year 10 evaluation leads to an action regarding the reaffirmation of the institution’s accreditation.
West Virginia State’s accreditation was reaffirmed in April 2015. West Virginia State received its accreditation status in 1927 and has the longest record of continuous accreditation among West Virginia’s higher education institutions.
West Virginia State University is preparing for its Year 4: Comprehensive Evaluation, April 2020.
Special Acknowledgements
Dr. Scott Woodard, Associate Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Accreditation Liaison Officer, and Accreditation Co-Chair
Dr. Thomas Kiddie, Associate Professor of English, Accreditation Co-Chair
Criterion 1 — Mission
Co-Chairs Dr. Scott Woordard and Dr. Robert Wallace
Dr. Tom Guetzloff
Mr. Josh Martin
Dr. Aaron Settle
Ms. Karleen Slaughter
Dr. Ami Smith
Ms. Deborah Williams
Criterion 2 — Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct
Co-Chairs Dr. DeNeia Thomas and Dr. Ulises Toledo
Dr. Micheal Fultz
Dr. Naveed Zaman
Criterion 3 — Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources and Support
Co-Chairs Dr. J. Paige Carney, Dr. Tom Kiddie and Dr. Robert Wallace
Ms. LeighAnn Davidson
Ms. Sandy Maharaj
Dr. Jessica Barnes-Pietruszynski
Dr. Kerrie Steele
Dr. Yvette Underdue Murph
Ms. Deborah Williams
Dr. Naveed Zaman
Criterion 4 — Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement
Co-Chairs Dr. J. Paige Carney, Dr. Aaron Settle and Dr. Yvette Underdue Murph
Ms. Molly Erlandson
Dr. Kathy Harper
Dr. Barbara Ladner
Ms. Sandy Maharaj
Ms. Katie McDilda
Dr. Shannon McGhee
Dr. Linwei Niu
Mr. Joey Oden
Mr. James Taylor
Ms. Kellie Toledo
Ms. Emily Waugh
Ms. Traci West-McCombs
Criterion 5 — Resources, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Co-Chairs Ms. Deborah Williams and Ms. Kristi Williams
Dr. Mickey Blackwell
Mr. Justin Cherry
Ms. Brunetta Dilliard
Mr. Kerry Jones
Ms. Jameelah Means
Mr. Joey Oden
Mr. Peter Smith
Ms. Trina Sweeney
Ms. Julie Saldivar
Dr. DeNeia Thomas
Mr. Zaviae Walker