Special Interest Organizations

Alpha Sigma

The purpose of the organization is to educate accounting students about the certified public accountant exam, career opportunities after earning a bachelor of science degree in business administration with a concentration in accounting, opportunities to hear from accounting professionals that speak to students during the semester, networking opportunities with local and regional accounting professionals.

Alpha Phi Sigma

The Alpha Phi Sigma is comprised of students with a collective interest in criminal justice and its many roles, benefits, and challenges in today’s society. Alpha Phi Sigma promotes teamwork and is very involved in school and community events as members see educational and community interests and concerns as extremely important.

Alpha Tau Delta

The purpose of this organization is to improve criminal justice through educational activities, foster professionalism in law enforcement personnel and agencies, encourage the establishment and expansion of higher education and professional training in criminal justice, and promote high standards of ethical conduct.

American Chemical Society

The mission for the American chemical society is to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its actioners for the benefit of earth and its people. It is also to improve people’s lives through the transferring power of chemistry. Any student who is interested in science can participate in community outreach and career development.  Outreach activities include trips to local schools and civic groups and career development involves seminars, professional meetings, and industrial visits.

American Criminal Justice Association – Lambda Alpha Epsilon

Membership in the Association is composed of individuals employed in the criminal justice system or taking a course of study in criminal justice at an accredited college or university at the time the application is submitted.  The club is open to students with other majors besides Criminal Justice as well.

Charles E. Jones Historical Society

The C. E. Jones Historical Society is dedicated to History awareness and preservation.  We maintain close ties with the community by working together to preserve the past. With their help we are able to keep History alive.  The C. E. Historical Society is  nonprofit organization and supported by donations and fundraisers.  Our organization is student governed, andcommited to historical knowledge in surrounding communities through educational activities, service opportunities and/or research projects.

CHOICES Peer Educators

Includes an educational component and a series of activities that provide alternatives to alcohol abuse by college students. CHOICES promotes responsible social norms that recognize the appropriateness of choices, including the choice not to drink;  emphasizes safe, responsible and legal drinking practices for those who choose to drink; and incorporates the use of peer educators to bring alcohol education to students.

Computer Science Club

The Computer Science Club works in collaboration with the mathematics and computer science majors on campus. This club is dediated to advancing education and research in the fields.

International Student Association

The purpose of this organization is to serve the WVSU international student community and to embrace culture and diversity present on campus. Our mission is to establish networks and break barriers between the international students and the local community by organizing special events, activities, and community service. The International Student Association is open to all students.

Minorities in Agriculture and Natural Resources Association (MANRRS)

The purpose of this society shall be to provide a framework for the academic, professional and social development of minority students within the fields of Agriculture and related areas.  The national society for Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) is the governing body.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

This organization strives to improve the political, educational, social, and economic status of minority groups; eliminate racial prejudice; and keep the public aware of the adverse effects of discrimination.  Membership is open to all students.


NYANSA (pronounced n-yon-sah) is the Ghanaian word for wisdom and knowledge.  NYANSA was established in 1998 by WVSU Student Support Services participants. Members of the organization believe that wisdom encompasses four areas:  Life choices (for progress), knowledge (for education), association or affiliation (positively begets positively), and individual growth (goal orientation and commitment).  The NYANSA organization stresses all phases of productivity, responsibility and independence.  With the conception of NYANSA have come numerous activities that contribute to the betterment of WVSU and the surrounding communities.

Student Social Work Organization

The mission of the Social Work Organization is to develop leadership, and to prepare members for the social work field by providing them with opportunities to build upon the skills that they will utilize in their future careers. The purpose is to stimulate interest in the social work field within the University and community.  We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming lives within our college and its surrounding communities.

Tobacco Free Yellow Jackets

Tobacco Free Yellow Jackets focus on promoting a smoke-free campus and educating the WVSU community about the harmful effects of tobacco use and second hand smoke.

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