Performance Management: Frequently Asked Questions

Human Resources

Phone:                        304-766-3156
Fax:                             304-766-4156
Campus Address:    105 Cole Complex
Hours:                        Monday – Friday
                                     8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


Human ResourcesPerformance Management

The Department of Human Resources has developed the following FAQs regarding the Performance Management Process.

What is the rating period?

The rating period for the current review cycle is April 1, 2019 through March 30, 2020.

What if my employee does not complete their self-assessment?

Supervisors must encourage employees to complete the self-assessment and employees should want to complete a self-assessment because it is a chance for the employee to provide their input. However, if the employee fails to complete the self-assessment by the due date that was given by the supervisor, the supervisor should continue the process and bypass the self-assessment step. It should also be documented when the supervisor complete’s their assessment of the employee. 

Are managers still required to complete performance reviews?

Yes, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, all staff are still expected to complete the performance management process. We continue to have an obligation to ensure all employees receive the feedback they have a right to expect. Coaching and feedback conversations between a manager and a direct report are critical to supporting continued individual growth and development. In fact, all University staff can and should expect to receive from their manager clear expectations, periodic feedback, and an annual performance conversation. This opportunity to reflect on what we have done well in pursuit of our goals as well as the areas for growth is no less important this year. In such a difficult time as we are going through now, it’s critical we continue to provide employees the feedback they deserve.

When is the deadline for completing year-end evaluations?

At this point, a deadline has not be determined but employees and supervisors are strongly encouraged to begin working on completing their evaluations. In light of this disruption and the importance of employee feedback, we extended the time period for performance reviews to be completed but a definite date of completion has not been determined. Once a date has been determined, HR will provide employees with as much advanced notice as possible. The completion deadline will ultimately depend on when offices are able to return to normal operations. 

How do I evaluate goals for this year when factoring in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Similar to past years, managers and staff can use the following guidelines when assessing
performance and progress towards completing goals:

  1. If a goal has been completed then it should be rated appropriately using the
    current rating system.
  2. If a goal was not planned to be completed until June but is on target, it should be
    rated as “Meets Requirements.”
  3. If a goal was not met and/or not on target to be met due to factors other than the
    impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it should be rated as “Unacceptable Level”.
  4. If a goal had not been started yet (i.e. it was not scheduled to start until March or
    April) or was delayed/changed because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
    it should be rated as “Meets Requirements” and manager and staff should indicate
    in the evaluation the goal was impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Should performance while working remotely be assessed this year?

Yes. While the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic such as working remotely and changing
work priorities should be factored into the assessment of goals for this year, managers and
employees should absolutely assess performance while working remotely. While working
remotely presents certain challenges, it also presents opportunities for new ways of displaying
behaviors consistent with our core values. Teamwork, accountability, integrity, leadership in
excellence, and leadership in mission are as important now as they have ever been. Employees
should cite examples of where they have displayed these behaviors and managers should
recognize those behaviors – both for the part of the year when working on campus and this
current time when working remotely.

Should I conduct the year-end performance review now while working remotely, or wait until we return to campus for work?

There is no need to wait until we return to campus. Staff are encouraged to start their year-end
self-assessment now. Once the employee completes his or her self-evaluation, the manager reviews
the ratings and conducts a conversation with the employee to review and confirm the ratings. At
this time, the manager and employee should also discuss the employee’s future goals, expectations, and development progress. After this conversation, the manager reviews, comments and issues their final ratings.

While we are working remotely, should I conduct the year-end conversation over the phone or via a video conferencing tool such as Zoom?

Both phone calls and video conferencing tools such as Zoom are an acceptable way to hold these conversations this year. Conducting performance review conversations without being in the same room will be a new challenge for all of us on campus. 

How do I complete year-end reviews if I don’t have a computer at home and normally use an on-campus computer to conduct performance reviews?

Employees should speak with their manager to share that they do not have access to a computer to complete year-end reviews at this time. Alternatively, managers and staff can wait until normal operations resume and staff are back on campus in order to complete year-end reviews. While we don’t know yet of our anticipated date to return to campus for normal operations, departments and managers are permitted to wait until staff return to campus in order to complete employee evaluations if necessary.

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