
The purpose of the institutional effectiveness (IE) process at WVSU is to demonstrate continuous improvement in student learning, educational programs and administrative and educational support services. IE is an on-going, deliberate, institutional process to assess, measure and improve what we do. IE provides demonstrated evidence of quality assurance through outcomes-based valuation for efficiency, improvement, accreditation, legislative requirements, and advancement (funding, branding/marketing).

INstitutional Effectiveness Process

Institutional Effectiveness (IE) is guided by policy and processes aimed to ensure that the University fulfills its mission, goals, and objectives, through a comprehensive strategic approach. 

–Assessment and evaluation of essential student outcomes are hortizontally and vertifcally aligned with mission focused outcomes. 
–Assessment and evaluation of academic programs focus on student learning outcomes and continuous program improvement.
–Assessment and evaluation of support units focus on administrative and student support services and continuous service improvement.

– IE efforts are coordinated through Institutional Research, Assessment and Effectiveness with designated sector liaisons forming our institutional assessment team. 

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