West Virginia State University

Legislative Affairs


Legislative Affairs promotes effective communication between representatives of West Virginia State University and representatives of the local, state and federal government, as well as, external policy agencies.

Our office facilitates positive interactions and communications between the university and government agencies “to become a premier regional research university that is recognized nationally for its quality education, innovative teaching, experiential learning”, advancing  the mission of West Virginia State University, ” to meet higher education and economic development needs of the state and region through innovative teaching and applied research”.  

West Virginia State University’s protocol require official governmental contacts to be made through the Office of the President, thereby assuring one official voice for the University.

The University Legislative Council is appointed by the President and comprised of representatives throughout the University. The Council meets during the legislative session and periodically to collaborate on higher education policy issues. Institution-specific issues are pursued by the institutional representatives.

Our goal is to keep the university community informed of governmental objectives, concerns, activities and interests affecting WVSU, and the broader higher education community. We strive to provide  policy makers with relevant and current information about issues that affect the University, thereby,articulating the University’s position on proposed legislation.

Legislative Affairs develops and implements strategies to advance the University’s legislative initiatives and other interests.

Members of the Legislative Affairs team welcome input and feedback from WVSU faculty, students, parents and alumni  and community constituencies who are interested or concerned about the sustainability, relevancy and competetiveness of West Virginia State University and higher education policy.

Legislative Affairs promotes effective communication between representatives of West Virginia State University and representatives of the local, state and federal government, as well as, external policy agencies.  

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