West Virginia State University Sponsoring Disability Awareness Day Thursday, Oct. 12

October 11, 2017

Contact: Jack Bailey (304) 766-4109 Jbaile19@wvstateu.edu

INSTITUTE, W.Va. – West Virginia State University (WVSU) will sponsor a Disability Awareness Day on Thursday, Oct. 12, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the James C. Wilson University Union.
With a theme of “Empowerment Through Employment” the event is free and open to the public and will include a resource fair focusing on services available in the community.
In addition, there will be presentations regarding transitioning from school to post-secondary education, transition to college accommodation, and employment and people with disabilities. There will also be an art contest with artwork on display throughout the day as well as free popcorn and cotton candy.
Disability Awareness Day is a collaborative effort between the WVSU Cultural Activities Committee, WVSU Counseling and Accessibility Services, WVSU Student Access Advocates, WVSU CHOICES Peer Educators, WVSU Student Life and Engagement, the Statewide Independent Living Council, the Fair Shake Network, and Central West Virginia Action Network to raise awareness about people with disabilities, and promote inclusion.
For more information, contact Michael Casey, disability services counselor, at (304) 766-3083 or .
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