West Virginia State University Class to Adapt Stephen King Story into Film

October 27, 2015

Contact: Kimberly Osborne (304) 766-3363 kosborne@wvstateu.edu

INSTITUTE, W.Va. – The West Virginia State University (WVSU) Department of Communications & Media Studies will present a special topics course during the spring 2016 semester that will enable students to adapt a Stephen King short story into film.
The course, “Communications 299: Stephen King Project,” will examine the process of adapting literary works for film through a series of lectures, hands-on exercises and active participation in the actual film production of the King short story “The Woman in the Room.”
“This is such a wonderful opportunity for our young filmmakers to work on Stephen King’s product,” said Dr. Ali Ziyati, Chair of the WVSU Department of Communications & Media Studies. During the production phase of the course, students will have the opportunity to collaborate with a number of film professionals.
The course will be taught by WVSU Assistant Professor of Communications Dave Brock, who was nominated for a Student Academy Award in 2005 for the short film “Stephen King’s The Road Virus Heads North.”
That film, as with the film the class will produce in the spring, was adapted as part of King’s “Dollar Baby” program, which allows aspiring filmmakers to adapt select works of the author for $1.
Registration for spring 2016 courses at WVSU is now underway. WVSU offers 22 bachelor’s degree programs, and five master’s degree programs, including the new Masters of Public Administration that launched this fall. For more information on spring 2016 classes at WVSU, click .
For more information on “Communications 299: Stephen King Project,” contact Assistant Professor Dave Brock at (304) 766-3195 or .
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