West Virginia State University Plans Veterans Day Activities

November 8, 2013

Contact: Kimberly Osborne (304) 766-3363 kosborne@wvstateu.edu

INSTITUTE, W.Va. – The Office of Military Student Services at West Virginia State University (WVSU) invites students, faculty and staff to show their appreciation for the nation’s veterans Monday, Nov. 11, at the Wilson University Union.
From 10:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Military Student Services will be on hand in the Union handing out yellow ribbons to be worn in honor of veterans on Veterans Day. Students, faculty and staff can also express their gratitude on a poster dedicated to the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces. The tribute poster will be displayed in the Military Student Services Office, 333 Sullivan Hall East.
“Freedom isn’t Free,” said Coston Davis, WVSU Director of Military Student Services, “When a military person signs their name on the dotted line and takes the oath of allegiance, they are saying I’m willing to sacrifice my life to protect the freedoms of every citizen in this great country. In my opinion, there’s no greater love. I think President Truman said it best, ‘Our Debt to the Heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices.'” WVSU established the Office of Military Student Services in the fall of 2012 to be a one-stop shop for veterans as they transition from the military to life as a university student. All necessary resources are centralized to make the process easier for veterans, military students and their families who attend WVSU.
For more information, contact the Office of Military Student Services at (304) 766-3290, or .
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