West Virginia State Students Bring Family Fun Night to Malden Elementary

March 13, 2013

Contact: Dr. Donna M. Simon (304) 766-3363 dsimon@wvstateu.edu

INSTITUTE, W.Va. – Students from West Virginia State University (WVSU) will lead a Family Fun Night for students and parents Thursday, March 14, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Malden Elementary School.
WVSU students studying elementary education courses have created a series of hands-on learning activities that will be featured at the Family Fun Night designed to educate parents and students about noted African-American author, educator and Malden native Booker T. Washington.
“This is a new event for us,” said Dr. Paige Carney, associate professor of education at WVSU. “It is a good way for our students to have real, hands-on experience with families and students.”
In all, 25 WVSU students are expected to participate in Family Fun Night hosting a series of different activities for the Malden students.
The activities will include creating a take home “baggie book” about Washington, making a poster spelling out Malden using rubber glue and salt, and also making parachute men, while teaching about the Tuskegee Airmen.
Dr. Robert Harrison, dean of the College of Professional Studies at WVSU, will also be reading the book “More Than Anything Else” at the event. The book tells the story of a young Booker T. Washington growing up in Malden and his desire for an education.
After growing up in Malden, Washington went on to become one of the most influential African-American writers and educators of his day. He was the first African-American to be invited to the White House, and he played a role in the founding of WVSU in 1890 as a land-grant institution under the Second Morrill Act.
Carney said that at the conclusion of the evening, WVSU students have also created a take-home activity so Malden parents and students can continue to learn about Washington.
Malden Elementary is located at 4001 Salinas Drive, Charleston.

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